Help take care of a farm, go fishing, learn how to cook and craft pieces of equipment, practice your battle skills and join magic tournaments, release imprisoned demons to defeat them for drops, and much more. Embrace the magic in a five-chapter journey! In story mode, you can witness how Gabriela acquired her powers by meeting an old friendly face. Protect your people and fight Igor to prevent him from destroying the village. Play as Nadia in the Birch Village to experience the beginning of a catastrophe. Will you be able to fulfill a mission given by the spirits? Save your cousin’s life, protect your family, learn new powers and protect your allies. Acknowledge your mission of stopping Igor from transforming people into a soulless slave army. Play as Gabriela, a superhero who has the power of seeing people’s feelings as colors around them. Fight Igor, Anastasia, and bring back balance to the West Siberian Plain in this immersive 2D turn-based RPG experience. Most of the people are smug and act like "How can you not know this? Are you stupid?" This page seems to be filled with paid reviews, or reviews written by friends or family members, and all of them should be reported to IMDb.Explore Russia as Gabriela, Gav, and Mikhail. Some people say Babylonians invented it, too.) The production value is crap, some of the interviews are horribly recorded, you can hear the echo in the room they are in. Algebra is the Arabic word (aljabr) for "equation". (Algebra was invented by the Muslim mathematician Al-Khwarizmi in the book he wrote in 820. Forget that "myth" that Arabians invented Algebra. Greece, Rome, England, all that culture and discoveries.stolen from the African.

Anything European people have done is history was stolen from Africans, or Africans did it first.
Something from the movie "Undercover Brother", that Conspiracy Brother would watch. This movie is so ridiculous that is seems like something produced by Saturday Night Live. Basically, the film is nonsense and it's purpose seems to be to simply make people of African descent feel good about themselves as a race. We were all laughing out loud at this point. The Africans are the basis for all Asian people and culture. The Japanese are actually Africans who had sex with Korean people (because in ancient paintings, the figures are painted in dark pigments). Now THAT'S proof! Even though he is known to have been an Indian man named Siddhārtha Gautama, they don't talk about this. According to some of the "historians" in this film: The Buddha was African (because they interpret the statues with the thick lips and "nappy hair" as being so. I had it on when some friends were over, and some of the statements are so absurd and ludicrous, we were laughing out loud. What happened was, it turned into a comedy! To sum up the entire film Africans invented everything from the wheel to space travel, and white people (and the Catholic Church) have buried and suppressed all this to "keep the black people down".

I am interested in black history, so rented this "documentary" because I thought I might learn something.